Catatan: Tidak perlu mencari driver lagi. Semua driver Pre-Installed. jendela ini dibuat dengan xp pro service pack 0 RTM sebagai disk sumber, dengan SP3 Build 5512 added. Default jendela bahasa INGGRIS / UK silakan mengubah ke bahasa Anda sendiri setelah diinstal. Lisesnsi key sudah ditanamkan, sehingga install berjalan otomatis. File berbentuk ISO, cukup urning menggunakn nero atau ISO burner.
* Internet explorer 8
* Windows media player 11
* Firefox 3.5.3
* Kels runtimes 5.8
* Flash 10
* Java 6 update 16
* Shockwave 11
* Klite mega pack 5.1.0
* c++ 2005
* AMD k8 processor driver 1.2
* SetPoint 470
* Gamebooster 1.2.1
* Xfire 1.114
* Avg antivirus 8.5.392
* Winrar 3.90 regged
* Directx 9 October 2009
* Directx 10 new edition remade 'will be installed at end of t13 along with copying dx10 & dx11 files to system32'
- Accessibility options
- Briefcase
- Calculator
- Charmap
- Clipbook viewer
- Games
- Internet games
- paint
- Pinball
- screensavers
- Wordpad
- Cameras and camcorders
- Printers
- Scanners
- Tape drives
- Luna theme
- additional mouse cursors
- Movie maker
- Music Samples
- Speech support
- Tablet pc
- windows defualt sounds
- Frontpage extensions
- MSN Explorer
- Outlook express
- Windows Messenger 4.7
- colour schemes
- desktop cleanup wizard
- Search assistant dog
- Tour
- Fax service
Removed folders
Jadi, tolong lakukan install bersih melalui system boot karena ini bukan disk upgrade windows.
Driverpacks base 8.12.5
* MassStorage 9.0.1 txt mode (sata + raid)
* Cpu 8.0.4
* Chipset 9.0.2
* Graphics A 9.06
* Graphics B 9.06
* Graphics C 8.12.1
* Lan 8.12.1
* Sound A 8.0.5
* Sound B 8.0.5
* Wlan 8.0.6
* Graphics A languages 9.06
* Graphics A physX 9.06
* Monitor 81022
* Sp3 hd audio 00002
* Wireless 00002
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